Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Birth Story!

Alrighty here we go...

On Wednesday, April 20 I had my weekly doctor's appt. At this point I was really really miserable and knew that I needed some good news, or I just may have lost it. Good news meaning.."Oh you are dilated to a 4, lets just send you up." My doctor was going to strip my membranes at the appointment, but I didn't have high hopes for that to work for some reason.

As the time for my appt drew nearer, I had this strong feeling that I needed to make sure my house was in order just in case something happened and she did say I could go up and have him. I kept telling myself it was my wishful thinking, but I listened..even though I had no energy at all..and go things cleaned up.

Brandon and I dropped the kids off to my friend Jen's house and went off to the appt. We got there and saw that my doctor was delivering..but I knew I wanted to see her and they said she wouldnt be more than 20 min  or so. We ended up waiting for about an hour for her and I was getting so so so anxious! Wrong time for people to be delivering..sheesh..didnt they know how anxious I was to see my doctor. Yes I know I am not her only patient, but at that point in time I wanted to be! Haha. She came in and checked me and I was at 3cm and 80% effaced. I had progressed only .5 cm since the week before. Then she asked if I wanted my membranes stripped..YES PLEASE! I didn't know what I was in for. It hurt like a mother! I had heard from some people that it didnt really phase them, and others said it was totally painful. She said I might have some spotting and cramping...but that she expected to see me back there that night. I wasn't too hopeful.

The contractions started almost instantly after she stripped my membranes, but I figured they would just go away like they had in the past and I wasn't "lucky" enough to have it work for me. We went and got the kids and I layed down on my bed for a little bit to try and relax. My friend Ashley invited us over for dinner, and even though I was hurting, I figured I would go over there and try and get my mind of off things. Like that is even possible with painful contractions..but my mind was obsessed with timing..and thinking..."is this going to be it? is it time?" I was annoying I was thankful to have a distraction. While we were there we ate lots of good food. Brandon was telling me to eat up just in case I did go into labor and I didn't get to eat for awhile. The contractions seemed to settle down and not be as intense. My heart sunk. I was so bummed. Then I got up and started walking around and they came back to the intensity I was feeling before. I couldn't decide if we should go in, because they were pretty consistent, but the fact that they had settled down before led me to believe that it could happen again, and I didn't want to have to get our kids packed up and over to my brother in law's house..if it was a false alarm.

Finally we decided that we would go, and got the kids' stuff together and dropped them off at Travis's house. We got to the hospital about 7:45 and on the way the contractions settled down again. Should I tell Brandon and say we should turn around? Or look like an idiot at the hospital when they asked me how long and often were my contractions..and I had some lame "well they aren't as bad now..but they WERE really intense 20 min ago!" Oh well..we were there..may as well go in and see if I had progressed at all. They checked me and I had progressed to a 4+ and 95% effaced and the contractions started coming hard again. The nurse called my doctor to see if it was ok to admit me, and she gave the go ahead. I swear angels were singing "Hallelujah!!" my head..but all the was a glorious thing to hear.

I called my friend Jacque to come down so she could take pictures of this last baby being born. She did a great job and I am so thankful she was there! She is a good good friend of mine and it meant a lot to have her there.

Dr McCulloch came in at about 8:55 to break my water. I was dilated 5cm and the contractions started getting more and more intense, but I didnt feel like I needed an epidural yet. Well I forgot how quickly things can change in labor..and I found myself needing that epidural about 30 min later. The epidural doctor (ya not even going to try and spell that..) was busy in another room and I had to wait. Ya I didn't like seemed like an eternity! He finally got in there about 9:45pm and at that point I was dilated to a 6. My fear of being paralyzed set in haha. He assured me he wouldn't paralyze me and started to set up. Brandon, being the sweet, supportive husband that he is was standing in front of me...letting me hold on to him...and letting me enjoy his lovely Dorito breath. I am so sensitive to smells when pregnant..and I told him he needed to get away because I couldn't handle the smell. The epidural doctor said "Don't worry man, I got you covered." and pulled a tin of mints from his pocket and offered one to my husband. Alright...I could handle being close to him again.Haha!

After the epidural went in, life was good again. I was way more numb on my left side and could feel more on my right..but it wasn't too bad. We just hung out, talked, laughed. It was a lot of fun and our nurse was awesome which I think makes all the difference in the world! As time passed I felt a little more intense pressure on my right side..and that wasn't fun. It is interesting how fast time flies when you are in labor. (my last 2 labors anyway).

Finally, just after 12:00 am I was at a 10. I was ready to push. Well Dr McCulloch wasn't ready to deliver my baby yet. They were full at the hospital, it was obviously the night to have a baby! I had to wait for her to deliver another baby before mine. It's hard to be told to not push when you can feel with each contraction that your baby wants to come out! The nurse told me that she could deliver my baby, but didn't like having to do please try not to push. Ya..ok...I like you Nurse Judy..but I don't know how long I can hold out. 

Dr McCulloch got there in time, and as she was getting set up, I took a minute to think about the fact that this is going to be our last baby, or last birth experience and I told myself to soak every last minute, detail and aspect of  what was about to happen. I pushed through 2 contractions and out came our amazingly beautiful, healthy little boy.  He was our biggest at 8lbs 1 oz and 20 inches long. He had a head full of light brown hair and he was sooo breathtakingly darling...and I was so thankful that he was here and healthy. He didn't cry a lot at first. He was fine though because he was "pinking right up". I loved holding him and taking the first moments with our baby in. Such an amazing experience! I am really going to miss that.

Every time we have a baby, and I see my husband holding our newborn..I fall in love with him all over again. He is such a great dad and loves each of our kids so much and I am thankful for him and all he does to be there for his kids.

Zayde has been an angel baby. He really doesnt cry that much unless he is hungry. He was a champ through his circumcision, and didn't really fuss much after..just slept a lot. Nursing and milk production didnt go well, so we pump and formula feed. I am kinda bummed about that, but it is what it is and we make the best of it!

He is 11 days old now, and having him here has been such a joy. He completes our family in the perfect way. He sleeps great and I get about 8 hours of sleep a night, so I can't complain! The first week or so Brandon slept on the couch because he got sick the day after he was born. It was such a bummer that he couldn't hold and snuggle him. He did a good job taking care of Chayse and Alexa though, so I could focus on myself and Zayde. It was nice having my hubby healthy again and upstairs with us last night! :)

Chayse and Alexa love him dearly! Alexa loves him a little too much sometimes. She is obsessed with him and kissing his head and trying to lay on his head..but it's all in love. Alexa is having a little bit of a hard time adjusting, and Chayse misses my attention..and it will take a little bit to figure out how to divide my time between my 3 kids, husband and hopefully there will be a small minute to myself..even if that is when I am using the bathroom..but usually I get interrupted there too. :)

All in was an amazing experience. It was a fun labor and delivery and I couldn't have asked to end on a better note. I am so thankful for all the love and support that has been shown to our family during the pregnancy and since he has been born. We have had dinner brought to us by good friends, visiting teachers and family and we are thankful for that as well. 

Now I just need time to not fly by. Fat chance right? :) 


I was showing her some things on my camera and I took this one of her, so I had to throw it in! Haha! Love ya Jacque!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

New Arrival!

Zayde Brandon Leavitt was born on
April 21st at
12:36 am.
He was 8 lbs 1 oz and 20 inches long.
 He was born with lots of brown hair.
 We are loving him soooo much and he is such a great baby! I will post the birth story soon! :)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

37 wks 4 days - Doc Appt

I had my weekly check up yesterday! I was really anxious because the last appt I hadn't progressed any..and that was pretty frustrating because I was hurting so bad. So this time..I was crossing my fingers and toes that I had made some progression. I am over 37 weeks and any time he comes is ok! She checked me and I had progressed to a 3 and 80% effaced! He had also dropped to a -2 station. She said it was a huge change! I was soooo happy! Grinning ear to ear!

She said that next Wednesday she will strip my membranes, and then we set my induction date for April 25th. Though she doesn't think that I will make it that long. I don't want to get my hopes up, but it's pretty exciting to know that he is on his way!

Last night I went out with my girlfriends to Chili's because rumor has it that a lot of women who go there, have their water break shortly after. Also, storms are rumored to bring on the babies! Last night there was a big storm that came in. Anyway, long story short..I was contracting for 4 1/2 hrs..not so fun..and then they stopped about 11pm last night. All that..and then they stop! Grrrr!!!

Oh well, I know he will come when he is ready and ultimately I only have 11 more days! I can handle that! Then life will get very crazy! :)

Monday, April 11, 2011

37 Weeks...

Here I am at 37 weeks. I popped out even more from Saturday to today! I didn't think I could get any bigger, but lo and behold..I did!! :) Brandon even that is saying something! Haha! I am hurting pretty bad still..but still holding on to the fact that every day he is in better and better for him. Though I have started to do a few things to help things along, though I do realize..that it won't work unless my body is ready. It is fun to sit and bounce on the exercise ball though! Haha!

Note: At doctor's appt on 4/6 - dilated to a 2 and 50% efaced. (36 wks 4 days)
         (Checked at 34 wks and 5 days - Dilated to a 1 and 0% efaced.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

36 Weeks Belly Shot

Here I am at 36 weeks! I dont see too huge of a difference between the now and the last belly shot..maybe a titch bigger. I definitely feel a ton bigger. Though for a few days I felt like my belly had "deflated" a little. I think he dropped and I lost some water weight too. (I lost 3 lbs). So here it last 36 week belly! :)

Weeks 32-35...

Baby’s senses are continuing to improve -- when light peeks in through your (extremely) stretched belly, those tiny eyelids and irises blink and dilate. And, baby can now recognize and react to simple songs… time to start practicing your lullabies! Growth (at least inside your womb) is starting to slow, and you may notice baby descend into your pelvis at the end of this month.

Mom's Notes: Oh boy am I ready for this baby boy to get here! This has definitely been the hardest pregnancy, but I have said that God needed to make this one extra hard so I can really be ok with being done having babies after he gets here! :)
I went in for my 34 week (and 5 days) check up and found I was dilated to 1 cm and not efaced at all. He was still pretty high as well.
The next Thurs, I was contracting all day and feeling pretty yucky with a lot of lower back pain, and Zayde wasn't moving a ton. So I decided to go get checked the next day (35 weeks and 5 days) and see how everything looked. They put me on a non-stress test which is supposed to monitor the babies heart rate. It was pretty calm and they liked to see more spikes, but there wasn't any dips so that was good. I hadn't eaten lunch yet and so they gave me some juice and I ended up being on that thing for 45 min (vs the 15 they had told me). They did start seeing some spikes after I had the juice and everything looked good. She checked me again and I was dilated to a 2 and 50% a little progress! :)

Monday, February 28, 2011

Belly Shot

Here is a picture of my bell at 31 weeks! I accidentally put 32 weeks on there, but am too lazy to change it! :)

Isn't that sweet that Alexa is kissing my belly? This happens about 20 times a day! She is so so so excited for this sweet baby to join our family!